Michael B.'s review of eMC


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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 9/1/2011
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Review 9/1/2011
I have been an Emerchant Club Member since August of 2004. My issues with Emerchant Club have been many, but most recently I had an issue with their V12 Upgrade. On August 31, 2011, I received an e-mail from Emerchant Club indicating that my Version 12 Upgrade was complete.

Prior to that E-mail, I noticed over the last week or so the organic searches to my website were lower than usual. I track this statistical data using Google Analytics as Emerchant Club Webtraffic functionality disappeared some years back. Come to find out the meta name description & meta name keywords tag were completely missing from my homepage which would explain why the organic searches to my website declined. These tags are critical to the success of the various search engines crawling your website homepage.

When I reported this issue to Emerchant Club Technical Support, they responded that they were aware of the problem and they will provide a fix to the problem in their V12.1 Release which is targeted to be out end of September 2011. I assume if my website had this problem that many other customers of Emerchant Club have the same problem. And yet if they are aware of this problem, why didn't they notify their customers.

The lack of urgency on the Emerchant Club Technical Support's part is one of my many frustrations that I have had over the years. Currently they only provide technical support Monday thru Friday from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM. They are only open from 7:00 AM to 1:00 PM on Saturday and they are closed on Sundays. A majority of the time that you Need Technical Support is when you are making a change to your website which typically a good practice is to do those kind of things after normal business hours. However if you need Technical Support, you are out of luck after hours.

In the internet business a successful sales campaign requires that you configure your website way in advance of the target sales promotion to insure that your website is in the various search engines. Typically the last quarter of the year is most profitable, and therefore as the result of this latest issue of missing meta tags, my company's sales potential has been seriously compromized.

In an attempt to recoup some of my potential lost sales, I have requested that Emerchant Club refund me my annual $199 maintenance/upgrade fee. I sincerely hope that Emerchant Club refunds the maintenance/upgrade fee to me and every other member that has been affected by this issue. I will report back Emerchant Clubs Response to my request.

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Additional Business Information
Hours   Phone   (805) 578-5700 Address   996 Flower Glen Road
Simi Valley, CA 93065
Website   http://www.emerchantclub.com Email   msandoval@smcorp.com
Contact   Maria Sandoval Other  
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