John M.'s review of Abrazo Homes, LLC

Abrazo Homes, LLC

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 8/20/2014
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Abrazo Homes: Crappy Homes, Crappy Service
My wife and I bought a home through Abrazo Homes, LLC of Albuquerque - what a horrible experience! It has been six (6) months since we closed on our home. Since then, we've had to hire an attorney, file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau and sent
countless emails and phone calls/voice mails to Abrazo Homes to remedy close to fifty (50) items in our brand new home that were completely substandard. In fact one of the owners of Abrazo Homes has repeatedly told me and my wife that all of our concerns are
100% valid. He has also made this statement to our attorney and to the BBB. While Abrazo has remedied several of these items to our satisfaction, some as expensive as $3,000+, Abrazo NEVER communicated with us in a professional manner. They attempted to bribe
us with $5,500 to keep quiet about their crappy homes. And this was for reimbursing us for attorney expenses as well as replacing a water heater that even their own plumber said was unacceptable. We refused their bribe so we could let others know to stay away
from Abrazo. At one point I couldn't get them to respond for almost two weeks. I began picketing their business. After almost two weeks Mr. McCarthy could not pick up the phone to call me to schedule repairs to out home covered under warranty , but on this
day he found the time to pick up the phone and call the New Mexico State Patrol on me! Can you believe the audacity of someone not returning your calls for weeks, but has the time to call the police on you? AND, all because he wanted to avoid doing the repairs
to our home that he admitted he is responsible for! An example of how they "repaired" our home......our recessed lighting cans were falling out of the ceiling in the kitchen. Abrazo's remedy? TAPE! They actually TAPED our recessed lighting fixtures to the
ceiling! The paint company that they use, FAPCO, LLC, is owned by one of their Supervisors. This is the same paint company that didn't even cover the floors, electrical outlets or light fixtures before painting. We had so much paint everywhere they had to
remove us from our home for almost a week to rip out flooring, door frames, etc. to replace 50% of the flooring and almost all lighting fixtures. BTW, what kind of builder gives the OK to install flooring and lighting fixtures BEFORE painting? This alone should
give people pause before buying a home from these amateurs. Abrazo Homes employees know how to sell you on their "family." They invite you to be a part of the "family" - and once the ink is dry on your closing paperwork, they turn into the worst possible customer
service providers you can imagine. Repeatedly ignoring emails and phone calls, extremely poor workmanship and cheap labor are the hallmarks of Abrazo Homes. It is amazing to hear them talk about their customer service and read about it on their website and
then actually experience the total lack of respect toward their customers. And for those out there who are animal lovers.....the owner of this company thought it was unreasonable for us to cancel an appointment with one of their contractors less than 24 hours
after our 16 year old cat passed away. We had BEGGED Abrazo for TWO MONTHS to send someone out to look at all the paint splattered all over our flooring that could not be removed. After TWO MONTHS of waiting, they finally scheduled an appointment. Less than
24 hours prior to that appointment our cat passed away so we cancelled and asked to be left alone for a few days. Can you imagine the type of person who would actually attempt to use this cancellation against us as trying to paint us as not giving Arabrazo
access to our home to make repairs. Well, Abrazo is fully aware they had over 450 hours of access to our home prior to this incident and didn't even care to take a look at 50 items that needed repair. Again, what kind of a person does this to people who just
suffered a loss? We do not believe this is the way to treat people with respect. Imagine, your builder is building you a brand new home and has ZERO respect for what your family is going through!!!! We told them WHY we cancelled the appointment, so the owner
knew fully why we cancelled, yet he used this against us not even thinking about the prior TWO months we hounded him to replace our painted-splattered floors. Does anyone think this is reasonable on Abrazo's part? Whenever I bring up issues with this home,
the owner's usual retort is: "We never promised to build you a perfect home. There are so many parts to a home we can't be expected to get everything right." God as my witness, this is true. You can even see it in his BBB response here:
then click on "Read Complaint Details" in the "Complaint Resolution Log" Read carefully the details of this complaint. Read and understand the owner's ploy in an attempt to place responsibility for 48 problems on other people, it is remarkable. Carefully read
my rebuttal to his initial response that is filled with innuendo and flat out false statements. You can read how he uses the death of our cat in an attempt to make us look bad. This company is about as unprofessional and disdainful of its customers as I can
imagine. Look at this quote: "A person’s home is typically the largest single purchase they make in their lives. We completely understand the personal nature of someone’s home and we empathize with the frustrations that can accompany a new build. It’s unfortunate
that the nature of warranty work (post-closing) is more cumbersome and requires more coordination and collaboration than new work (pre-closing). So, #1, they admit they messed up so badly that it took them longer to fix their shoddy workmanship than it took
them to build the entire house from a dirt lot! #2 They understand the personal nature of our home? But they use the death of our pet to try to score points with the BBB? #3 He assumes that building a new home is "frustrating" - does he not realize it doesn't
have to be stressful? We've bought new houses in the past. Once we reported issues they were repaired within the first two weeks of us living their and that was the end of it. With Abrazo it's a half a year, spending $2,500 on an attorney just to get them
to pick up the phone and talk to us!!! All this from one paragraph. I encourage you to read this complaint on the BBB's website and I swear it is 100% factual and the owner of Abrazo has NEVER said anything but they were all valid complaints. But think about
dealing with a guy who doesn't outright lie, but intimates that you are the problem, that you are the one not giving them access or that they put light fixtures in with tape then tell you they never promised a perfect home. Imagine this going on for months
and months. Think checking in to other builders might just be worth your time? Remember, this is the company whose motto is: "Do It Right"!!!!!! It is simply laughable, is taping light fixtures to the ceiling, "doing it right" Abrazo?
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Hours   Monday-Friday, 10am-6pm Saturday and Sunday, 12pm-6pm Phone   (505) 991-0252 Address   9623 Sun Dancer Dr NE
Albuquerque, NM 87114
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