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Is TimeshareComplaints another resale scammer?
10/14/2010 9:52 AM (PST)
We are looking on behalf of our mother-in-law to get rid of 2 weeks of timeshares in Orlando area. Has anyone worked with Timeshare Complaints(Kevin Kells)? They want $3500 paid to an escrow account for Timeshare Closing Services. When I said we didn't want to pay that much upfront, he said we could probably start with half the amount, and after the closing pay the rest. Is this just a scam like all the others?
Are there any legitimate timeshare resale companies? You can't even donate the timeshares! Besides listing them for basically free on Craigslist, what can you do to get rid of them?
3/7/2011 8:03 AM (PST)
dts, You stated in your response to Rita that "There are companies that will take title to your timeshare using all of the procedures required by the timeshare company. These companies require that you pay them to take the timeshare off your hands." My question to you is, do you know the name(s) of such companies? If so, can you please provide them? Thanks!
6/28/2012 2:11 PM (PST)
Don´t pay any upfront fees to have your timeshare sold. There are thousands of testimonials of people who felt pray of these timeshare scams. The company that started all of this was Sierra Resale's and Rentals. They claimed to have a buyer and required to pay upfront for closing services. If you paid for it, that would be the last time you would hear from them. It happened to me.
Read this article; it provides a detailed explanation on how we were scammed. I think it would help you:
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