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Hollywood Auditions aka Hi Tech
3/26/2010 3:23 PM (PST)
Has anyone dealt with Hollywood Auditions? Is this a waste of time. I don't want to shell out alot of money only to find that I've been scammed.
3/26/2010 4:23 PM (PST)
This company has an F rating with the LA BBB. Records indicate that they have received 66 complaints within the past 3 years, and 63 of them have gone unanswered. Most complainants state that the company charges credit cards or debits checking accounts after cancellation. Others allege weekly or monthly audition updates are not received, managers do not give clear ideas, advice, and do not answer questions, or auditions are not received as represented.
Also, the LA BBB's report states the following: According to their website, this company offers a talent CD-ROM, which is sent out to over 5,000 companies who are looking for various types of talent. Fees range from $15 per month for an online portfolio up to $469 for both an online portfolio and a listing on the CD-ROM for three years. The company advertises that they will send monthly audition updates plus offers personal management and live help. We routinely suggest you read and understand all contract provisions, including cancellation and refund policies, before making a buying decision.
You may access the full report here: http://www.la.bbb.org/Business-Report/Hitech-13158972
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